Sunday, August 23, 2015

Exciting News!

So In case you weren't aware me and my good friend Jesse, who I have known since high-school have created a Youtube channel called YangandYingFashion!
This means I'm going to be posting links below for you to go ahead and check it out. I'm also going to post a link to his new blog as soon as he has finish the last few tweaks so you can keep up with both me and him. I know what you're thinking....

But the exciting part is coming up....

                                             *Inserts Exciting Part*

Jesse will be Vlogging/Blogging from NYC while I will be Vlogging/Blogging in Europe! He is starting his freshman year at FIT, and im studying abroad so you will get a first hand experience in what its like to live in NYC and Europe. We will catch up on all the fashion trends, out everyday life, and maybe even some romantic details. (Were hoping for some Harry Met Sally Moments). Want to get started? Here's the first two links on our Vlog Below!


If you have any suggestions make sure to comment under each video or leave a comment for here, but until next time.......

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Edie Sedgwick Inspires Me........

You know the name Andy Warhol, but who was his main inspiration behind it all and who happened to be his best friend? Edie Sedgwick that's who, she starred in his many short films in the 60's. Vogue even named her "YouthQuaker" in one of their edition's in the 60's. She is always an inspiration to me and many designers so I decided after checking out a few works in Fall 2015 Couture Collection Vogue posted online to compare her style to whats relevant, pick my favorite of each collection and where to find a similar version of it. Before I get started If you want to know more about Edie-Warhol dynamic a great movie named "Factory Girl" 2006 and it even stars this heart-throb as her leading man....

Armani Priv'e

This piece from Armani Priv'e for Fall Couture reminds me of her chic blazer look, back at a photo shoot in the 60's. Although Edie's blazer is patterned and the blazer in the piece is sheer fade both the pieces are similar in how its executed. From the large earrings to the shoes the piece on the runway utilizes new futuristic colors of the same idea in Edie's outfit in the picture.

This look from Edie is reincarnated in this jacket in this piece. The frills, the length, and the chicness paired with big earrings......need I say more?

My favorite look from Armani Priv'e is..

 Want this look?

H&M: $17.99

H&M: $10.00

Forever 21: $24.80

Jean Paul Gaultier                                                   

In his collection is more nautical inspired when it comes to stripes but this piece showed me the most relatable pieces to Edie right down to the makeup.

This coat style is absolutely stunning the circle style he brought to the coat is ingenious. This circle style is used throughout his collection. Jean Paul Gaultier 

My favorite look on the runway from Jean Paul Gaultier was...

Where Can I find This Look?

                                        Boohoo: $14.00


This look from Valentino long sleeves and sleek reminding me of this shot with Edie. Its such a simple look but what I love about Valentino is he added a medallion and belt. His entire collection is outstandingly beautiful and is a tribute to the Greek Era.

 This second look is elegant and simple. Although the contrast of colors is difference the beauty in each outfits simplicity is stunning.

My favorite Look...
                                                     Where Can I Find This Look?

                                                       Rare London: $42.00

 And that's it for now, Keep Checking here for more but until then.....

Friday, August 14, 2015

Wipe Away Those Summer Blues And Get Ready For A Psychedelic Fall

Summer is almost over and with it that horrible tan you got while falling asleep at the beach, the never ending crush on the lifeguard who is suddenly less cute without his uniform and those reckless nights where you throw flip flops on when leaving because you're too lazy to actually look cute. It's time to get back into tip top shape for fall and here are the highlights, suggestions and fashion you should be looking for when you venture into the well known realm of BACK TO SCHOOL SHOPPING!

When it comes to make-up I tend to let my lips do the talking. For fall I have the best of the best suggestions for great makeup quality under 30 dollars.

The picture above shows the Lorac Pro Pallet which is great for all skin tones it showcases natural hues that are usable for low-key class days and long club nights. Of course it also shows my obsession for Mac lipstick. The fall essentials when it comes to lipstick should showcase dark sides. Don't be afraid to experiment with purples and deep reds. My top picks from Mac for fall would be 1.Film Noir 2. Media 3. Matte Antique Velvet  4. Rebel A3 5. Sin. If you are into contouring Sephora has a great deal on a contour pallet by Cover FX for 40. As for a highlighter I love the Mac Prep-and-Prime called Peach Lustre for 26. As for concealer, powder, and blush it depends on the look you're going for. For fall I suggest Sweet As Cocoa for a blush, but remember If I am a darker-shade then you the best is to get an opinion day of by a Mac consultant. Now get your scrunchies and favorite hair accessories together we are going to Fall Fashion.

Skin care is important! My favorite is Proactive I've been an active user since I was young and it does wonders on your skin.

My favorite trend that is in (FINALLY) is the love of early 70's late 60's fashion back with a vengeance. We are talking mid length skirts is faux-leather, turtle necks, plaid and   all things jeans (including dresses and skirts). Did you get that? whip out your moms old jeans skirts the trend is here to stay!! Did I mention clunky shoes to go with all these fabulous trends? Punks and
Hippies unite because it's out turn to shine this fall, even Jackie O fans can sing and dance along with us.

Skirts: For above corduroy and jean skirts go along way this fall, and the more buttons the better. Obviously the stars have caught wind of his summer trend like Taylor Swift, Alexa Chung, and Courtney Trop, but lucky for them its easily transformed as a fall essential with tights and high boots. This trend reminds me of the the lovable TV show with the original triple threats in fashion and on the streets.....CHARLIES ANGELS.


The long pants tailored look is cute for the office and on the street. Stretch those long legs in a nice long romper or just simple bell bottoms. My favorite combo of pants was the beginning of Cherry Bomb, featuring Kirsten Stewart and Dakota Fanning. The beginning showed the lovable 70's, bell bottom pants and promiscuity. whats not to love.

Dresses                                                                     For dresses, the mid droop and flare at the end makes for a perfect combination. One of my favorite looks off the runway that shows off cool black dress by Valentino 15 paired with the flirtiness of the 70's fashion. 

My favorite movie that shows this is American Hustle, the dresses in the film was an amazing showcase of the 70's designs without the tacky floral decor, or lava lamps.

For more news on Fashion and Finds keep checking here but for now remember....